-Rosemary Essential Oil-
Its name means 'dew of the sea' because Rosemary naturally grows near the Mediterranean Sea. It has been used medicinally for several thousand years, and its leaves were traditionally burned to purify the air.
Rosemary was used in Roman and Egyptian burial rites, a practice that continued well into the middle ages when it was customary to lay branches of rosemary on the coffin at funerals.
Aromatic Notes: a top note with a strong aroma, Rosemary has a fresh, strong, woody and herbal scent.
Essential Oil Effects: On the senses it is quite stimulating and regarded to help in memory retention, staying focused and energy levels. Rosemary can serve as an uplifting and energizing boost during driving or work/study sessions.
Emotionally it can brighten your day and bring a sense of hopefulness and strength to overcome recent adversity
-Juniper Berry Essential Oil-
Juniper berries are the female seed cones produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which give it a berry-like appearance. The berries are plucked from the branches of the plant once a year, dried and ground before distillation. They have traditionally been used as an aromatic aid to meditation, and had medicinal applications.
Aromatic Notes: a middle note with a medium aroma and has a fresh, rich, scent reminiscent of pine needles
Essential Oil Effects: Many cultures have used Juniper berry for medicinal applications and to purify the air.
Juniper berries are a natural antiseptic, which may help kill airborne germs.
Topically, it may help combat acne. It is a well-known antibacterial, in the past people wounded or injured in wars and athletics were treated with it.